CoWorking Memberships

Social CoWorking
Every month

2 days per month + Monthly Meetup.

Lite CoWorking
Every month

4 days per month + Monthly Meetup

Community CoWorking
Every month

8 days per month + Monthly Meetup

Converge (v) : to come together


Six large workstations (think your grandmas kitchen table) to work or create. High speed internet, day passes and memberships.

Wellness Studio

1000 square feet of work & wellness. During the day, find a desk, a comfy space on the floor or the window for a functional workday. Also use the space as rejuvenation, pick-me-up, a catnap. Grab a mat, eye cover, some headphones, relax.

QTI Room

The room with a door, booked for private meetings, quiet time or available for monthly memberships.

Hot Yoga Room

Fall Schedule is Wednesday and Friday at 7am and Saturday at 9am